Florida House Bill 1305: Week in Review

Florida House Bill 1305 Update: Happy Friday! Here’s a recap of the recent activity regarding House Bill 1305: On Tuesday, March 23, 2021, the Insurance & Banking Subcommittee heard HB…

PEO Unfriendly House Bill 1305 Passed in Florida

Florida House Bill 1305 Passes Unfortunately, HB 1305 – Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Employee Leasing Companies passed through the House Insurance & Banking Subcommittee Tuesday, March 23’rd.   The bill was amended, the entire…

Florida PEO Community Braces for House Bill 1305

New Workers’ Compensation for all Employees of Any Subcontractor Bill Late on Friday, it was announced that House Bill 1305 https://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/1305 …was added to the Florida Insurance & Banking Subcommittee…