NCCI Update on Endorsement, Definitions, and Data Subcommittees


The updates below are provided by the NCCI and its subcommittees representing PEO/Temp Staffing ventures such as 1) new PEO alternate co-employment endorsement, 2) PEO vs Temp Staffing definitions, and 3) POC/data reporting.  All related documents to this update are posted below the highlights and can downloaded to your computer or mobile device.

Endorsement Sub-Committee

  • PEO CO Alternate Co-Employment Endorsement  very well received
  • Additional research to be done by subcommittee to identify states where co-employment may be named something else and/or is not applicable to identify state exceptions that may be needed for the endorsement
  • No interest at this time in additional paper endorsements for adding and deleting clients
  • The subcommittee would like to continue on to:
    • Poll carriers on their use of the industry endorsements
    • Look into the interest in modernizing the forms with today’s language, and report back to the committee accordingly

Definitions Sub-Committee

  • It was discussed that both ASA and NAPEO are in agreement with the definitions provided; including sign-off from their respective Boards
  • The similarities and differences were discussed between PEOs and staffing firms
  • Recommendations on enhancing the definitions are requested  for review by the sub-committee

POC/Data Sub-Committee

  • Findings were well received and accepted by the committee
  • NAPEO expressed interest in working on an article for their magazine and possibly a webinar to work with clients to get carriers the information that they need that can ultimately be passed on to the state regulatory agencies through proof of coverage

PEO Meeting 7-23-14
PEO Data – POC Subcommittee Update 07-23-14
PEO Definition Final for NCCI
NCCI – Definitions
NCCI PEO Endorsement Subcommittee
NCCI PEO Specific Endorsments-State Grid
PEO CO Alternate Co-Employment Endorsement 5-19-14
Staffing Service Definition


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