Leafly’s Report Shines Light on Legal Cannabis Job Creation.


Leafly’s Report

Leafy has been a valuable resource for cannabis consumers across the country. It’s many features offer a wealth of knowledge that both recreational user and medical use patients can benefit from. If you’ve got an eye for economics, market trends, or are just a fan of cannabis and its ever-increasing legalization, here are some facts from Leafly’s Jobs Report 2022.

  • In the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, America’s cannabis industry sold nearly $25 billion in products and created more than 107,000 new jobs – enough to fill the Rose Bowl and then some. That’s a 33% increase in jobs in a single year.
  • Last year, America’s legal cannabis industry created more than 280 new jobs every day. In 2021, someone was hired for a cannabis-supported job about every 2 minutes of the work day.
  • Last year also marked the first year that cannabis job creation hit triple figures. After adding 32,700 jobs in 2019 and 77,300 jobs in 2020, the industry added 107,059 new jobs in 2021. To put that in perspective, America’s entire financial sector added 145,000 jobs last year. The construction industry, coast to coast, added 165,000 jobs. Those industries are massive: finance employs 9 million workers, while total construction payroll topped 7.5 million at the end of 2021. The fact that the cannabis industry, with 428,059 workers, rivals those industries in annual job creation speaks to the incredible pace of the cannabis industry’s growth.
  • California remains America’s #1 cannabis market and cannabis employer, with a $5 billion annual market and more than 83,000 jobs. Colorado’s cannabis jobs sector remained strong- $2.2 billion in sales, 38,000 jobs – in the state’s eighth years of adult-use sales. Meanwhile, the nation’s flourishing adult-use states – Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan, Arizona – Continued to add jobs at double-digit rates.
  • Pennsylvania and Florida remain the nation’s strongest medical-only employers, while mature adult-use states like Washington and Oregon continued to add jobs, but at a more modest rate.
  • Florida’s still growing medical marijuana patient population represents only 3% of the state’s 21 million residents. Legalizing and regulating the adult-use market could double the state’s sales and jobs within one to two years.

Do you want to know which nine states Leafly considers to be the leading indicators of economic health in the cannabis industry? continue reading to find out!

The US cannabis industry now supports 428,059 jobs | Leaflyhttps://www.leafly.com › news › cannabis-jobs-report


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