Libertate is counting down the days until NAPEO! We are so excited to see everyone there. Check out this year’s schedule below:
As everyone is aware, Hurricane Dorian took away hundreds of people’s homes as well as ripped apart families in the Bahamas. Ballator Insurance Group is doing everything we can to…
NAPEO is right around the corner! While in Austin, there’s certain to be quite a bit of discussion around claims trends throughout the country. That said, I found the some…
While crucial to the operations of a capitalist system, the relationship between employer and worker has been an ongoing balancing act. Oregon goes on record for being the first state…
As many of you know, Hurricane Dorian is projected to head toward Florida! We just want to inform everyone that we may have limited access to emails and calls as…
Just released, NCCI has made their rate filing recommendation to the State of Florida. The proposed average rate level change is a decrease of 5.4%. View the document here: Florida 1/1/2020…
Congrats to Clear Spring and the recent AM Best rating! Press Release – AUGUST 14, 2019 AM Best Assigns Credit Ratings to Clear Spring P&C Co.; Downgrades Ratings of Lackawanna…