I hope this post finds you safe and well in our new world. As you may be aware, the most credible association in regards to insurance projections is the Casualty…
Source: Bloomberg Environment Health-care workers likely eligible for workers’ comp Grocery, delivery workers will argue for eligibility Health-care workers and emergency responders will benefit from rules eased in some states…
The attached Small Business Guide and Checklist for COVID-19 Emergency Loans was prepared by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and sent via our friends at NAPEO. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief,…
Update on Recent Activities related to COVID-19 from FAPEO There is a lot of COVID-19 related activity we have been working on for Florida PEOs as we face these…
PEOs Dealing with the Coronavirus This PEO Flash Survey regarding how PEOs are dealing with the Coronavirus outbreak involved several interviews with PEO owners and executives, PEO brokers, Insurance brokers…
Below is a summary of the COVID-19 Relief Package from our friends at FisherBroyles Components of H.R. 6201, COVID-19 relief legislation Temporary Expansion of Family and Medical Leave H.R. 6201…
What Is Coronavirus? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. Common signs…
https://www.ncci.com/Articles/Pages/Insights-COVID19-WorkersComp.aspx The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) offers a perspective on the effect of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on the workers compensation industry, including compensability and economic impact. Overview The COVID-19 virus…