The main problem with workers’ compensation insurance is the fact that it is based on each state determining its own laws. In last week’s case of the exotic dancer who…
Oregon has the 13th least expensive workers’ compensation rates in the nation, according to data released today by the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS). The biennial study…
Gov. Bill Haslam is still mulling workers’ compensation reform, with a key message for business: All options remain on the table. Haslam: All options on the table with workers’ comp.
Can you afford to expose the financial health of your company to a Cyber Breach without insurance protection? Average insurance cost per data breach rises to $3.7M: Study
If all goes well, workers’ compensation reform in California may yield even greater savings than originally believed. State Fund Chief Holds High Expectations for Calif. Workers’ Comp.
An old legislative favorite, workers’ compensation reform, may be returning to the top of the agenda in the state Senate. Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman, R-Sapulpa, told the Tulsa…
The State Corporation Commission (SCC) has scheduled a hearing to consider a request filed by the National Council on Compensation Insurance Inc. (NCCI) to adjust the premium levels charged for…
Participants at Wyoming’s 4th Annual Safety Summit in Casper last week were told the state’s worker death rate is three to four times the national average, with one worker dying…