Interesting and informative article in Inc. on why all businesses should carry Cyber Liability coverage. While many small business owners believe they may not need it, this article points out…
The Wall Street Journal reports that the U.S. House Small Business Subcommittee on Health and Technology held a hearing on the topic of “Protecting Small Businesses Against Emerging and Complex…
Did you know that most workers’ compensation claims occur on Mondays? How would you prevent your employee who hurt their knee or back during a weekend softball game from…
Yesterday in Boca Raton, the National Council of Compensation Insurance (“NCCI”) was kind enough to invite industry experts from the PEO, staffing, insurance and actuarial sectors of the workers’ compensation…
For you that missed the spring NAPEO CEO Forum, in Palo Alto, California, you missed a real treat! We had an all-star line-up of Stanford professors, including Dr. Baba Shiv…
Risk Transfer, Compass Consulting and Kunkel, Miller & Hament welcomed friends of the family to the 2013 NAPEO Risk Management Workshop in Tampa, Florida. A toast to the sponsors, NAPEO…
Changes could be coming for workers compensation in Tennessee that you should be aware of. Tenn. Senate to vote on changes to workers fund – Yahoo! Finance.