Good news for PEOs and client companies in the state of NY, reforms are expected to save insureds going forward on WC. New York workers comp reforms expected to save…
It is always important to know what government and politicians are doing to influence workers compensation regulation. The Assault on State-Regulated Workers Comp | PropertyCasualty360.
A recent analysis by Barclays Capital Inc. shows that P&C pricing will continue to rise for the remainder of 2013. By staying ahead of the curve on loss performance and rate…
The new changes to the workers compensation system in Tennessee should improve the outlook for both insurers and employers. Tennessee Governor Signs Workers’ Compensation Bill.
The courts are taking cyber liability seriously. Are you?? Are you sufficiently covered in the case of a security breach? U.S. judge gives LulzSec hacker year in prison for Sony…
The state of California Workers Compensation if seeing premium increases for 2012 driven by rate increase which is driving the combined ratio down. The combined ratio for accident year…
Auto accidents can also be very costly workers’ compensation claims. Workers on the job while driving need to avoid distractions. 10 Deadliest Driving Distractions | PropertyCasualty360.