Florida House Bill 1305 Attacking PEOs Moves to Commerce Committee


See the latest news from FAPEO regarding HB 1305. Interesting and concerning to note that someone ‘in House leadership pushed to advance this bill by having it removed from the sub-committee’.

HB 1305 – Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Employee Leasing Companies was removed from the House State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee and assigned directly to the House Commerce Committee today. 

This means someone in House leadership pushed to advance this bill by having it removed from the sub-committee. 

The House Commerce Committee meets today at 4:00 pm, but the agenda deadline has already passed.  The Commerce Committee meeting after today is Tuesday, April 6th with the agenda due at 4:30 pm on Friday.  

We should expect the bill to be on the Commerce Committee agenda 12:30PM – 2:30PM on Tuesday, April 6, 2020. 

Many of the members of the House Commerce Committee already voted on the bill as members of the House Insurance & Banking Subcommittee.  We have begun outreach to members of that committee.  

We will discuss this bill and next steps on our FAPEO Board of Directors call on Wednesday, March 31st at 10:00 am. 

To become law this bill would have to pass House Commerce Committee before reaching the House floor, getting on the agenda and passing the House.  In addition, this bill would need to pass through three committees in the Senate and pass through the Senate floor vote with the exact same language as the House bill.  And, all of this would have to happen by April 30th

We continue to fight this bill at every step to prevent lawmakers from shifting liability increasing the incentive for workers’ compensation fraud in the construction industry.

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