Big Data – How Can It Help You?


“Big data” is present in every part of business and society in today’s world. Every medication that hits the shelves goes through extensive study and comparison utilizing big data. Every intersection with a traffic light uses big data to determine the length of time for each color. Gas prices, food prices, utility bills, EVERYTHING undergoes analysis using big data.

But you may ask, “but David, how does this affect my PEO?”

Answer your own questions and many more at 3:45 today at NAPEO featuring our CEO Paul Hughes!

Big Data – AI/ML Predictive Analytics and the Potential for PEO
Sheldon Brechtel, Jr., Executive Vice President – CIO, CCMSI
John Harman, SVP PEO Solutions Group, Aon
Paul Hughes, CEO, Libertate Insurance, LLC
Chase Pettus, Predictive Analytics, Gradient A.I.

If you’d like to know more about what is going on at NAPEO, see the schedule here!


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