Big Data at Work | Why RiskMDTM is the Next Generation of PEO Insight

As the PEO industry grows and looks to leverage technology for improved business performance, corporations and industry leaders are looking towards big data to solve their most complex issues.  Big data at work will speed up discoveries, like new ideas about the interactions between client companies and their PEOs. It will make small predictions ever-present in daily activities like recommendations of coverages to client companies, trouble spots to regulators, and diagnoses to claims managers. It will create reservoirs of data for future use where, as Cukier and Mayer-Schönberger1 point out, the data’s secondary value may be much bigger than that created when it was first collected.


RiskMDRiskMDTM is the technology that will bring the PEO industry into the next generation of business performance, and analytically-derived insight.  Click here to learn more about RiskMDTM, and continue reading to learn about how intelligent systems like RiskMDTM are driving the next level understanding of PEO interactions with their clients and the industry as a whole.


PEOs need technologies to cut the cost of forming and testing hypotheses on the new torrent of data coming at them, as well as technologies to cut the cost of standardizing and controlling processes that apply it. These two kinds of technology are more powerful together than either alone.

Combining them is what we call Big Data At Work.
Click the link above to download the Ideas Economy: Finding Value in Big Data white paper.

1 Paul Sonderegger Oracle Big Data Strategist


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