NAPEO Risk Management Workshop 2014 Recap


The NAPEO Risk Management Workshop was a huge success!  There was unprecedented attendance and the progress around the PEO industry has never been more exciting.  Takeaways from each of the seminars are available for download below, and follow PEO Compass as we continue to provide updates from the workshop.

Opening Keynote Session: What are Best Practices and How to Benchmark Them in Your Organization

Best Practices for Building a PEO Submission for Prospective Carriers

Keynote Session: NCCI & PEOs

Achieve Higher Standards in Cyber Security: PEO, IT and Insurance Experts Discuss Best Practices to Avoid a Potential Breach

NAPEO Legal & Legislative Update

The Certification Institute: What is It and Why Should My PEO be Certified?

We would like to thank all of the workshop sponsors that made this event so successful.



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